Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for October 15, 2023
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! Whose wings shall my petition bear
to One whose truth and faithfulness engage the waiting soul to bless.
And since I’m bid to seek God’s face, believe God’s word, and trust God’s grace.
I’ll cast away my every care, and wait for you, sweet hour of prayer!
Upcoming services, meetings, events, and opportunities
Join us in our Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. or on Zoom,
or watch the recording later on Facebook or YouTube
Join Zoom Meeting (This is a new link)
Meeting ID: 822 2425 2518
Passcode: 755650
Find us at Hancock UCC | Hancock ME | Facebook or
on YouTube at Hancock UCC - YouTube
Choir Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. All are welcome!
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Deacons meet on Friday, October 13th at noon.
Join Gordon Thomas Ward this Saturday, Oct. 14th for a talk about his book,
“Tracing Infinity: Bridging the Gap Between Earth and Heaven.”
in our sanctuary at 3:00 p.m. followed by a potluck supper in the Fellowship Hall.
All attendees will receive a copy of the book.
A request from our Board of Trustees… If you have a key to the church but are no longer serving on a Board or Committee, please turn your key in to Vicky at the office
Our Church Council is looking for one or more individuals to take on the task of providing
Altar Flowers, beginning in November. Please contact Vicky or Pat Summerer, if interested.
The bylaws revision committee has been working very hard over the last three months to update our (2017) Church Bylaws.
Many of the changes made were simply wording corrections to clarify or simplify passages.
There are, however, a few additions and/or adjustments that will change our governing policies:
1. We propose an additional status category in our membership (Article II Sec. 3) called “Voting Friends.” This category gives church friends (those who do not seek full membership for whatever reason) who serve on Boards or Committees, the ability to vote in any and all meetings while they serve in that capacity.
2. We propose a reduction in the number of members needed for certain Boards and Committees i.e.: Board of Christian Education, Board of Outreach, and Nominating Committee would go from six (6) to five (5) required.
3. At the request of our Treasurer, we propose that our new fiscal year be September 1 to August 31(our stewardship pledges would still be on the calendar year).
The full revised Bylaws document, with color coded changes, is available online and at the church for all who wish to study it.
If you have questions you can talk to Sally Knapp, David Wildes, Pat Summerer, Gina Tansey, or Pastor TJ.
We also plan a congregational discussion of these new Bylaws on October 29th, after our morning Worship Service.
2024 Stewardship Pledges Needed Now! To date we have received 18 pledges for $43,214 to help pay for a proposed 2024 church budget that projects spending $157,704. There is a potential deficit of $28,604 after considering all income and spending estimates. All of this will be discussed at our Annual Meeting on November 12th. Please plan to attend in-person or on Zoom.
Your Stewardship pledge is needed now to help secure our income goal and reduce this funding gap. Thanks to all who have made their stewardship promises for next year. For those who have not, pledge cards are available in the Sanctuary or one can be sent to you. They can be mailed back to the church or placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning. Please let David Wildes (422-3739) know of any questions. Thank you for your prompt attention to this very important matter.
Annual Reports are due in the office NO LATER THAN the 15th, please. Thank you!
Please ask for help in advance if you believe you will have trouble meeting the deadline.
October Birthdays and Anniversaries
12: *Brandon* Perry-Hudson 13: *Liz* Bunker 14: *Peggy* Karns
18: *TJ* Mack 19: *Bonnie* Ross 20: *Ruth* Dietze
29: *Ron* McGlinchey 30: *Chris* & *Melissa* Nowell
Fall Handbell Ringing - Rehearsals Sundays after church 11:30–12:15ish Oct. 22, 29 and Nov. 5th Playing a Thanksgiving tune on Nov. 12th (Annual Meeting date). Then resuming rehearsals Nov. 19, and Dec. 3, and 10th, playing our Christmas selections on Sunday, Dec 17th
Book Group beginning on Wednesday, October 25th. From What Is To What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want, by Rob Hopkins, was one of the guiding texts of our 2022 Fostering Imagination program facilitated by The BTS Center (the successor to the Bangor Theological Seminary). Join us as we gather to discuss ways this book speaks to us, our church and our evolving place in our communities.
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
The family and friends of Janet Martin who passed away in May.
The family and friends of Pearl Schrack who passed away in September.
Prayers for Ron & Kathy; Kenny Houghton; John Wood; Doris; Jane Preble, receiving in-home hospice care (she welcomes your short visits & phone calls); Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Austin’s cousin Danny; Liz & Jim; William in hospice care; Jim Snyder; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Margaret B; Amy Nickerson; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Sandy Phippen; Norm; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie &Hollis and her Aunt Linda Reed; Coulter; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Renata’s sister-in-law Joanne; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew & family; Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures; Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion; Prayers for all individuals and families experiencing addictions; for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart.
From the Maine Conference
Be Still. Listen. God is in our Midst.
Liz Charles McGough, Director of Pilgrim Lodge
As a Camp Director in October, a lot of people ask me, “So, how was your summer?” The straight-forward answer is, “It was great!” It’s true, the summer was great. That answer, however, is the equivalent to our perfunctory societal greetings of “How are you?” and “I am fine” that we have learned to say as we walk past one another in a hurry. Offering a deeper answer to the question, however, depends on time and presence. You see, as a Camp Director, I spend ten months of the year planning for camp, philosophizing about camp, setting up the schedule, recruiting the volunteers, talking with our Teams, and laying the foundation for the summer. I am a self-proclaimed camp nerd. Throw in a dash of Type A personality, and I’m pretty fixated on manifesting the most perfect experience that I can conjure in my months of solitary imagination.
As the summer approaches, my head tells me that if I pick the right photo for the Facebook page and say the right words to the volunteers and get the best deal on romaine lettuce, everything will work out perfectly. And then, on a Saturday morning in June, I walk through the lodge and stumble upon this project created by a camper:
It stops me in my tracks and reminds me to breathe and tells me, “Get out of the way, Liz.” The Spirit is moving here. The children are centered here. God is in our midst. I simply need to get out of the way and all of the God-work among us will manifest itself. Be still. Listen.
The summer was great. We played in the rain. We sang songs and greeted the Echo. We got covered in shaving cream and ate ice cream. Also, the summer was hard. We were human-beings with different lived
experiences sharing bunk beds and talking to one another in person and figuring out how to break bread with one another. In those hard moments, however, I could see the most growth. I could see courage, digging deep, hearing new perspectives, reflecting, saying brave things. I could see God. I think God was most present in those hard moments.
As Annual Meeting approaches and we come together as the Maine Conference United Church of Christ, I am so excited that we will gather at Pilgrim Lodge. As we explore the theme “We Know Who Holds our Future,” I’m grateful to bear witness to the faces of the future. Be still. Listen. God is in our midst.
2023 Annual Meeting of the Maine Conference UCC
October 20th and 21st, 2023 at Pilgrim Lodge!
Pastor TJ strongly encourages each of you to consider attending, especially Saturday for the Business Meeting and Installation of our new Conference Minister, Rev. Marisa Laviola, in-person or via Zoom.
Friday October 20
Registration opens 8
Workshops 9-10:30 and 11:00-12:30 and 1:30-3
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30
3:30 - 5 - Fellowship Time & Optional Events
5:30 - 7 - Dinner
7:30 - 9 - Campfire & S'mores
Saturday October 21
7 - 8 - Breakfast & Registration
8 - Noon - Business Meeting
Noon - Lunch
1 - 2:30 - Installation of our new Conference Minister with Reception to follow
Lodging - at Pilgrim Lodge or at two area Hotels
You are warmly invited to attend
The Installation of our Conference Minister
The Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Please join in the celebration on
Saturday, October 21 at 1 pm
Pilgrim Lodge
Clergy are asked to wear red or colorful stoles
Reception follows
(You do not have to register for or attend Annual Meeting in order to attend the Installation. All are welcome)
For those who cannot attend in person:
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 869 7688 0465 Passcode: 516933