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7/24/2022 Bulletin

Open and Affirming of ALL God’s Children

Pilgrim Lodge UCC logo

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

July 24, 2022

Camp Sunday – Celebrating Pilgrim Lodge

Thank you to Mary Angela Davis for providing worship resources

Welcome Monteux musicians – Ryan Farris and Sanga Yoon, Cellos

This service will be in the Sanctuary and on Zoom at 9:00 a.m.

Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour beginning shortly after the service ends.

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Meeting ID: 882 8024 5071

Passcode: 402851

People paddling in canoes on Lake Cobbosseecontee
Canoeing at Pilgrim Lodge

Canoeing at Pilgrim Lodge

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(type this into your web browserà) Hancock UCC Maine @ Facebook or click below

You may also click on this link to find the service on our YouTube page.

Silent Prayer

“When you pray, say: Creator, may your name be revered as holy. May your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.” -- Luke 11:2-4, revised

* Indicates points in the service when we stand in body or spirit


Prelude Ryan Farris and Sanga Yoon, Cellos


*Introit Be Present Here PL Song Book #51

Be present here, most gracious God, from whom all goodness springs.

Make clean our hearts, and feed our souls on good and joyful things.

*Call to Worship I thank you God for most this amazing day e.e. cummings

*Passing of the Peace (ASL) - Lighting of the Peace Candle & Prayer for Peace & Justice

*Hymn Part of the Family PL Song Book #76


Come in, come in and sit down; You are a part of the fam’ly. We are lost and we are found And we are a part of the fam’ly.

You know the reason why you came, Yet no reason can explain, So share in the laughter and cry in the pain, For we are a part of the fam’ly God is with us in this place, Like a Mother's warm embrace We're all forgiven by God's grace, For we are a part of the fam’ly

Children and elders, Middlers and teens, Singles and doubles and in-betweens. Strong eighty-fivers and streetwise sixteens, We are a part of the family. Greeters and shoppers, longtime and new, Nobody here has a claim on a pew. And whether we're many or only a few, We are a part of the family.

There's life to be shared, in the bread and the wine. We are the branches, Christ is the vine. This is God's temple, it's not yours or mine, But we are a part of the family. There's rest for the weary, and health for us all. There's a yoke that is easy And a burden that's small. So come in and worship and answer the call, For we are a part of the family.

*Invocation (spoken in unison)

Creator God, we thank you for the world you have made and filled with such beauty. Open our eyes, we pray, to behold your gracious hand in all your works. Inspire us to rejoice in your loving kindness that we may learn to serve you with gladness. We ask it in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen

Children’s Message Place in the Choir & Peace Like a River PL Songbook #32 & #50 Mary Angela Davis


Some sing low, some sing higher, Some sing out loud on the telephone wire, And some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they got now.

Listen to the bass, it's the one on the bottom, Where the bullfrog croaks and the hippopotamus Moans and groans with a big t'do. And the old cow just goes ‘moo.’


Dogs and the cats they take up the middle, While the honey bee hums and the cricket fiddle The donkey brays and the pony neighs The old coyote howls (ooww!)


Listen to the top where the little birds sing On the melody with the high notes ringin The hoot owl hollers over everything The blackbird disagrees.


Singin’ in the night time, singin’ in the day The little duck quacks and is on his way The possum ain’t got much to say

The porcupine talks to himself.


All God's creatures got a place in the choir

Some sing low, some sing higher, Some sing out loud on the telephone wire, And some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they got now.

It's a simple song of living sung everywhere By the ox and the fox and the grizzly bear, The grumpy alligator and the hawk above The sly raccoon and the turtle dove.


I've Got Peace Like a River PL Songbook #32

I've got peace like a river I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, in my soul, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river in my soul.

2. I’ve got pain like an arrow…

3. I’ve got strength like a mountain…

4. I’ve got joy like a fountain…

5. I’ve got fear like an iceberg…

6. I’ve got love like the sunshine…

7. I’ve got de-ter-mi-na-tion…

A Litany for Outdoor Ministry

One: God of all creation, we praise your holy name!

All: We thank you for lakeshores and mountaintops, for burning stars and beating hearts.

One: We thank you for the beauty of the Earth that surrounds us, and fills us,

All: for the presence of Christ in one another, and the chance to find it in ourselves.

One: We remember how Jesus withdrew to the wilderness to pray, and then returned to community.

All: We thank you for the opportunity to follow Jesus into the wilderness, and to know we are in an integral part of creation.

One: We thank you for communities of faith everywhere.

All: For monasteries, retreat centers, and outdoor ministry programs whose mission is to provide sacred space.

One: God, please bless and protect all camps. Hear our prayers for a summer that is safe, meaningful,

All: and FUN!

One: Bless all our United Church of Christ Outdoor Ministry sites and programs: staff, volunteers, and, of course, campers.

All: Thank you for Pilgrim Lodge!

One: May we all do our part to nurture this ministry of inclusion, where children and adults are encouraged to discover their true self, and the divine spark within, around and between them.

All: Help us to set the table for the bountiful feast that You offer.

One: We ask for blessing and love for our friends in New Hampshire, at Horton Center, and in Connecticut at Silver Springs.

All: Be with us in worship, and song, in conversation and scripture, in balloons and variety shows, in shaving cream whiffle ball and picnics, in group building and laughter, in sunsets on the lake, and ice cream on the boardwalk.

One: Let our time at camp be like a refreshing jump into the cool lake on a warm summer day,

All: so that we may return to the world ready and willing to do Your will, and do our part to bring about the work of healing, reconciliation and justice. AMEN!

Old Testament Reading (Hebrew Scriptures) Psalm 8

Special Music Ryan Farris and Sanga Yoon, Cellos

Meditation on Psalm 8 and Pilgrim Lodge                                        Rev. Mary Angela Davis
A Dialogue on Pilgrim Lodge                                                                     Mary Angela & TJ

*Hymn I Am a Promise PL Song Book #8


I am a promise, I am a possibility. I am a promise with a capital “P.” I am a great big bundle of potentiality.

And I am learnin’ to hear God's voice, And I am tryin’ to make the right choice, I'm a promise to be anything God wants me to be.

I can go anywhere that He wants me to go. I can be anything that He wants me to be. I can climb the high mountain, I can cross the wide sea I am a great big promise you see.

Prayers of the People – Sharing Joys & Concerns

Lead Me Lord

Lead me Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, make thy way plain before my face.

For it is thou Lord, thou Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.

Offering – Welcoming our Tithes and Offerings –

Offertory Nocturne Mendelssohn

*The Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Amen

*Prayer of Dedication Thank you, God – PL Style PL Song Book after #91

Thank you God for giving us food.

Thank you God for giving us food.

Thank you God for giving us food.

A-le-lu-a (clap) praise the Lord.

A-le-lu-a (clap) praise the Lord.

Here at Pilgrim Lodge. (clap, clap)

2. Thank you God for giving us joy…

3. Thank you God for giving us love…


4. Thank you God for giving us life…


5. Thank you God for giving us us…


6. Thank you God for making us one…


Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me Let there be peace on earth, The peace that was meant to be.

With God as our maker, All one family, Let me walk with my neighbor in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me, Let this be the moment now.

With ev'ry step I take, Let this be my solemn vow: To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally, Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me.

*Blessing (Chaplain Kate Braestrup, Maine Warden Service)

May love and strength be in your hands, may love and courage be in your hearts, may love and wisdom be in your minds. May God go with you and work through you, today and in all your days. Amen

*Sung Benediction The Christian Edelweiss PL Song Book after #56

May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever;

Grant you peace, perfect peace, strength in every endeavor.

Lift your eyes and see God’s face;

Love will leave you never.

May the Lord, Mighty God, bless and keep you forever.

Postlude Ryan Farris and Sanga Yoon, Cellos

(Please remain seated for the Postlude)

Please visit Hancock (Maine) UCC on Facebook

or visit this link to our PayPal account:

or mail offerings to:

Union Congregational Church, PO Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640 (Attention: Treasurer)

207.422.3100 207.323.6743

Many thanks to those who helped make this service possible –

in front of the camera and behind the scenes.

Monteux Guest Musicians Ryan Farris and Sanga Yoon, Cellos

Music Minister – Debbie Riley

Deacons Vicky Espling & Robin Long

Liturgist – Carol Skinner

Worship Planners – Mary Angela Davis & TJ Mack

Graphics Minister – Cynthia Wood

Audio-Video Support

Office Secretary – Vicky Espling

Settled Minister – TJ Mack

The Body of Christ – You


Make a Joyful Noise edited by Dottie Kay Stillman

Copyright © 1985, Maine Conference, United Church of Christ. All rights reserved.

Monteux Guest Musicians Bios

Ryan D. Farris (4th year, cello) is a conductor, composer, and multi-instrumentalist originally from Nederland, Colorado. Ryan’s conducting mentors include Michael Jinbo, David Rahbee, Gary Lewis, and Tiffany Lu. Ryan has a Master of Music in cello performance from the University of Washington, and a dual-Bachelor’s in performance and composition from the University of Colorado. Recently, he has served as principal cello of the Seattle Philharmonic Strings, the University of Washington Symphony Orchestra, and the University of Colorado Opera Orchestra. He substitutes regularly with the Boulder Philharmonic and Fort Collins Symphony and is an avid chamber musician.

Sanga Yoon (1st year) is a soloist, music educator, and chamber and orchestra musician currently pursuing Artist Diploma in Cello Performance under Mihai Tetel at Hartt School of Music. Originally from Seoul, South Korea, she came to the United States and continued studying and performing at the Long Island Conservatory of Music, Mannes Prep Pre-College, and the Hartt School, where she earned her Bachelor's and Master’s of Music under Terry King and Mihai Tetel. There, she earned Hartt Performing Arts Scholarships, Talent/Honors Scholarships, and performed at the Student Leadership Award for Tomorrow Will Be Better Charity Concert. Sanga has studied and performed a wide range of music in the chamber, orchestra, opera and musical theater, Composers Ensemble, Collegium Musicum, Foot in the Door Contemporary Ensemble with members of the Four Corners Ensemble as a principal cellist at the Hartt School, and Ars Philharmonic Orchestra, Gangnam Philharmonics, Cello Phonia as a volunteer cellist in South Korea.

2022 Church Fair, Yard Sale and Silent Auction

August 6, 2022

8:00 AM-2:00 PM

Rain Date: August 13, 2022

It is only a short time to our annual Church Fair, Silent Auction and Trustee Yard Sale. Below is a list of our table chairpersons. They need your help with donations, setup, selling, and cleanup and will welcome your calls. Please support their efforts with your time and donations

Second Time Around Sheila O’Neill 266-9284

Need goods to sell - quality dishware, china and glassware, knick-knacks, and small interesting items.

Kitchen Cupboard Priscilla Hirschenhofer 422-3649 and Kathy McGlinchey 460-0055

Need all kinds of baked goods, homemade breads, rolls, cakes, pies, jams & jellies, muffins, cookies, candies and other delectable foods

Coffee Klatch Sally Knapp 422-3568

Coffee, donuts, breakfast treats, and supply donations needed.

Snack Bar Patrice Alexander 422-9536

Need food and supply donations and money to purchase crabmeat and other food items.

Book Nook Pat Summerer 963-7182

Donations of books, games, puzzles, videos, and music sought. Please, no encyclopedias or text books.

Green Thumb Dianne Eckhardt 422-3601

Need all kinds of plants, flowers, pots, containers, gardening tools, and equipment, bird houses, and related items.

Jewelry Mary Beth DiMarco 422-6257 or 902-4039

Baubles and beads, rings, watches, earrings, pins, necklaces, and gems (real or fake!) wanted.

Silent Auction. David Wildes 422-3739

Paintings, artwork, antiques, unique one-of-a-kind items, high-end small appliances, donated services, etc. to create auction excitement and high bids! Also need gift certificates from your favorite stores, and restaurants

Yard Sale

STORAGE AND DROP OFF – Yard Sale donations can be dropped off at the Parsonage Garage during the daytime. Call Arthur Ashmore 460-0406 or leave a message on the church phone, 422-3100 if you have questions or need help with large or bulky items. Please make sure your items are clean and in working condition. Please, no clothing, linens, televisions, computers, mattresses, sleep sofas, heavy upholstered furniture or junk.

Day of Sale - We’ll need lots of help to set up tables and carry yard sale merchandise from the parsonage garage to the adjacent lawn space where the sale will take place. Please call Arthur Ashmore at 460-0406 to volunteer your help. We also need cleanup help at 2 pm when the sale is over.

This is a big project in the life of our church and your assistance is important and greatly needed. Please help wherever you can. We can’t do it without you! Thanks.

Please Note: Masks will be required INDOORS on Fair Day.

We're trying to help keep everyone safe. Thank you for your cooperation.

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