1368 U.S. Hwy 1, P.O. Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640
PH: 207-422-3100
Rev. Teresa (TJ) Mack
Get Involved!
The Union Congregational Church of Hancock has multiple opportunities for public involvement. We would welcome help with weekly liturgists and readers for Sunday Services or for helpers to pick up members who no longer drive, as well as drivers to drive the food truck to pick up deliveries for our local food pantry.
We welcome and greatly appreciate your involvement, whether it's a one-time event or a longer-standing commitment.
Opportunities to be more active in the life of your Church
Spring Choir Rehearsals
Join the choir! Rehearsals are 9:15 a.m. each Sunday.
Video weekly Sunday Services
Are you tech-savvy? Run the Zoom and Facebook feeds during Sunday Services. We can train you!
Board and Committee Members
Looking to get more involved in the operation of our church? Volunteer to participate in any of our boards or committees. See the individual board pages for more information. Most meetings are open to the public: you're welcome to join to see what we're doing.
Lead the Call to Worship, Invocation and read the Scripture during Sunday Services. Can participate in-person or via Zoom. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Vicky.
Monthly food pickup for food pantries
We occasionally volunteer to drive the food pantry truck to pick up donated food from local retailers. You need a driver's license and ability to load/unload the truck. A couple hour commitment!
Help assemble mailings
Help us fold, stuff and stamp envelopes for mailings.
Weekly Drivers
Would you be willing to give someone a ride to/from church? Give Jeanne Edwards a call to get information or to arrange rides from Golden Acres in Hancock.
Help weed and maintain the landscaping around the church. Pull weeds, clean garden beds or help in our semi-annual ground clean-ups.
Coffee Hour Snacks
Choose a Sunday morning to bring some light refreshments for our coffee hour after Sunday services. Light snacks, gluten-free items, fruit, juice and/or baked goods are appreciated. Sign up is in the Fellowship Hall.