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1/5/25 Bulletin


We respect tradition — and we welcome inclusive language about people and expansive language about God. Please pray using words most meaningful to you.

Open and Affirming of ALL God’s Children

January 5, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. – Epiphany Sunday

This service will be in-person and on Zoom (Recorded for Facebook and YouTube) 

Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 839 3635 9115


Passcode: 776780


The first pew in front of the pulpit has books and quiet activities for people of all ages. 

Please find something that suits you, take it to your pew, and return it after the service. 

Silent Meditation

O God of starry skies, you lead us ever onward toward your promise. You bring us greater revelation appearing in the infinite beginnings and endings in our lives.


* Indicates points in the service when we stand in body or spirit




Prelude        This Is the Day the Lord Has Made                                            Anthony Giamanco

                          Tune: Twenty-Fourth  




*Introit       As With Gladness Those of Old                                                                      B. #159

As with gladness those of old did the guiding star behold;As with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright;So, true Morning Star, may we ever more your splendor see.


As with joyful steps they sped to that lowly manger bed,There to bend the knee before One whom heaven and earth adore;So may we with willing feet ever more your splendor seek.        


*Call to Worship

One: The glory of God has now appearedAll: in the light that is the infant Jesus.One: The mystery of God has been shown usAll: through Christ our peace and hope.One: With stars to follow like the magi,All: we come, bringing our whole selves to worship God. Amen


*Passing of the Peace (ASL) and Lighting of Peace & Justice Candle  


*Hymn        Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (Jesus, the Light of the World)                       B. #160

Hark! the herald angels sing. Jesus, the light of the world;Glory to the Christ-child bring, Jesus, the light of the world.


Refrain:We will follow the light, beautiful light, come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright.Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus, the light of the world.


Joyful, all you saints arise, Jesus, the light of the world;Join the triumph of the skies, Jesus, the light of the world. [Refrain]




Christ, by highest heaven adored, Jesus, the light of the world;Christ, the everlasting Word, Jesus, the light of the world. [Refrain]



Hail the Bearer of God’s Peace! Jesus, the light of the world;Hail, the Sun of righteousness! Jesus, the light of the world.



We will follow the light, beautiful light, come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright.Shine all around us by day and by night, Jesus, the light of the world.


*Invocation (in unison)

O star-flinging God, you lead us ever gently toward your promise. In unlikely ways and through unlikely people, you are always appearing in our midst, bringing greater revelations. Teach us this day to pay attention. Grant us softness of heart, so that we don’t miss your appearance. Bring us into a deeper knowledge of you as we worship and seek you on this Epiphany Sunday. Amen.


Children’s Message                                                                


Hebrew Scripture:               Ecclesiastes 3:17                                                                                     

Contemporary Reading:  THE WORD A Psalm of John 1:1 18                                                                                                    


Special Music        Mary’s Cradle Song                                        Max Reger/ Geoffrey Edwards




*Hymn       Go Tell It on the Mountain                                                                             B.  #154 

Refrain:Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills, and every where.Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born!


While shepherds kept their watching o’er silent flocks by night,Behold, throughout the heavens there shone a holy light.



The shepherds feared and trembled when lo! above the earthRang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior’s birth.



Down in a lowly manger the humble Christ was born,And God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn.




Prayers of the People – Sharing Joys & Concerns 


Our Father (Creator, Mother) who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, 

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen 

    Lead me Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, make thy way plain before my face.

   For it is thou Lord, thou Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.        


Invitation to Offering

We have borne witness to the Light of the world. We are called as Christ’s people to follow in His holy footsteps. Let us bring our gifts in honor of the entire life of Jesus the Christ and shine

light into all the dim and dark places in our world.


Offertory     O For a Heart to Praise My God                                      Richmond/ Robert Powell


*The Doxology

     Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

     Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Amen 


*Prayer of Dedication (spoken in unison)  

God of light and promise, we bring our gifts to further your work in a dark world. May they bring your light to those overwhelmed by darkness, pain, and loneliness. Accept these gifts of money and time, indeed, the gift of our very selves. Let them shine for all to see, and be brought into the sphere of your love and righteousness.        


*Communion Hymn      Let Us Break Bread Together                                                    R. #311 Let us break bread together on our knees;

Let us break bread together on our knees.

When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun,

O Lord, have mercy on me.


 Let us drink wine together on our knees;

Let us drink wine together on our knees.

When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun,

O Lord, have mercy on me.


 Let us praise God together on our knees;Let us praise God together on our knees.When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun,O Lord, have mercy on me.

Holy Communion


Invitation to the Table

One: Here at this table and in this sanctuary, let the Divine Spark enter our lives.All: Let the Holy Light aid us in seeing the Christ in our midst.One: The Brightness of Jesus the Christ will illuminate our way.All: The Radiance of the Christ will warm our hearts.

One: God is shining upon you!All: And God’s light streams upon you!One: Open your hearts.All: We open them to the brilliance of God.One: Let us give thanks for the light and love of God.All: We praise our Creator with joy and thanksgiving.

Prayer and Words of Institution and Blessing

We enter this stunning space eager to experience the presence of the Christ. Notice the Christ in the cries of the children. Spot the Christ in your neighbor’s singing. Recognize the Christ in the laughter from the back of the sanctuary. The Christ is gleaming here, summoning us to share love and light as we greet our neighbors, share peace, pass the bread and cup, and love kindness across this earth.

On the night before Jesus died, when some were plotting to extinguish the Holy Light, warmth was shared between friends. Jesus took bread. In his blessing, he passed the Divine

Glow to his followers. As he broke the bread, he reminded them to eat in remembrance of him.

Later that same evening, Jesus took the cup. He blessed it and invited his friends to taste from the cup of grace. “Do this, as often as you drink of this, for the remembrance of me.”

Holy Spirit, may your Divine Glow bless this bread and cup. Warm our hearts made cold by a chilled world. May this meal inspire us to carry your warmth into our world. Amen.

Come Beloveds, for all things are ready.

Sharing the Bread and the Cup

The bread of life, given for you. AmenThe cup of blessing, given for you. Amen

Prayer of ThanksgivingGod of Light and Love, we cherish this table in this season when the nights are long and cold. Through this meal, the Christ, and our neighbors, our hearts have warmed. May the comfort in our souls sustain us through winter and nudge us to create welcoming spaces for our neighbors. With gratitude, we leave here energized to kindle your love in this world. Amen.


*Sung Christmas Blessing (sung to Eventide)

Go with us, Lord, throughout this Christmas tide: be our protector, brother, friend, and guide.

Give us your peace and keep us in your care: help us your love and grace with all to share.


Postlude       “Madrid”                                                                                        Arr. David Lasky


(Please remain seated for the Postlude)



If you are visiting with us today, please sign our Guest Book in the back of the sanctuary. 

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Please visit Hancock (Maine) UCC on Facebook or our webpage

or visit this link to our PayPal account:   

or mail offerings to:

Union Congregational Church, PO Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640 (Attention: Treasurer)


Contact Us

                    207.422.3100                                                                          207.323.6743


Many thanks to those who make this service possible –

in front of the camera and behind the scenes.


Guest Preacher  – Sarina Brooks, Student Ministry Intern

Music Minister – Debbie Riley

Deacons – Alison Boden, Doug Kimmel, & David Wildes 

Liturgist  Myrna Coffin

Audio-Video Support – Patrice Alexander

Office Administrator – Vicky Espling 

Student Ministry Intern – Sarina Brooks

Settled Minister – Rev. TJ Mack

The Body of Christ – You


Resources, adapted

Cover Art Picture taken by the Hubble Telescope shows galaxy AM 1054-325. 



Peace Candle Reading AS A CHILD ENTERS THE WORLD by John O’Donohue



Contemporary Reading THE WORD A Psalm of John 1:1-18 by Joshua J. Masters




Communion Liturgy by Rev. Michelle L. Torigian.


Benediction Amen, Amen  The New Century Hymnal #161 

The New Century Hymnal  (B.)                          Hymns of Truth and Light  (R.)

Copyright © 1995 The Pilgrim Press                     Copyright © 1998 First Congregational

Church of Huston, Texas         


"Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE,                   

License #A-738532. All rights reserved.


As with Gladness Those of Old

Word alterations Copyright ©1993 Pilgrim Press,The  


Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Jesus, the Light of the World)

Music - ©1993 Pilgrim Press, The

Contributors: Pilgrim Press


Go Tell It on the Mountain                          

Music adaptation Copyright ©1992 Pilgrim Press, The


Let Us Break Bread Together

Words and Music; Text: 10 10 with refrain; Spiritual.


Contributors: LET US BREAK BREAD


Sung Christmas Blessing by Jan Chamberlain in Gifts in Open Hands – Tirabassi & Eddy




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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

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Hancock, Maine 04640



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