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10/13/24 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for October 13, 2024


Living for Jesus, a life that is true,

Striving to please him in all that I do;

Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,

This is the pathway of blessing for me.


Sunday, October 13th at our 10 am service, we will be receiving new members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please speak to Pastor TJ or one of our Deacons.


All Annual Reports are due in the office NO LATER THAN October 13th.  Thank you!


Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let TJ or Vicky know and they will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.

The Outreach Committee will meet Thursday, October 10th at 4:15 pm in person and on Zoom

Church Council will meet Friday, October 11th at 9:30 am in person and on Zoom

The Board of Deacons will meet Friday, October 11th at 3:00 pm in person and on Zoom

All are invited to join a meditation group at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays in our Sanctuary.  In the spirit of the sessions led by Angela Absher at the Hancock Point Chapel we will begin with a lightly guided non-denominational meditation followed by a few minutes of discussion and ending with another 20 minutes of meditation. The program will be led by novices Alison Boden and TJ Mack. Now and again we may have guest speakers. Our goal is friendship and happiness. No experience is necessary. We leave in silence. Do come…

I delivered a check for the Snack Program to the Hancock Grammar School today for $150 worth of deposit bottles and cans collected and redeemed by me over the Spring and Summer months. Hopefully our congregation can keep this effort going during the winter months in the absence of the Summer visitors who generously donate their bottles and cans in support of the school's food programs.                                 –David Wildes


Please check the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall for a list of suggested healthy snack foods the school is looking for. Thank you!



The “Claiming Your Call for a Climate-Changed World” team – Amelia Ashmore, Alison Boden, Nick Davis, Pat Summerer and Pastor TJ invite you into a congregational conversation on Sunday Nov. 17th after our worship service. Help us to discern our “small project with radical intent.” Thank you in advance for your participation.

Information about the journey these five have begun on behalf of our church can be found at


From our Student Ministry Intern, Sarina Brooks:

Peace and Prayer Vigils

Union Congregational Church of Hancock, in solidarity with other local UCC churches, will be holding peace and prayer vigils during the months of October and November. Come, bring yourself, whoever you are, however you are feeling. Bring your worries, anxieties, hopes, and prayers for peace. This will be a time of quiet; for prayers, meditation, reflection or any other ways you seek to use this time and space. We will have printed prayers you may take; candles you can light for your prayers, and quiet music for reflection. Come and stay, for a minute or the entire hour. All are welcome. Please extend the invitation to others that you know. We will offer the following times in which the sanctuary will be open:

Monday October 21st @ 1-2PM

Monday November 4th @ 1-2PM

Monday November 18th @ 1-2PM

Other UCC churches offering Peace and Prayer Vigils

Centre Street Congregational Church Machias

Monday October 28th @ 12-1PM and 6:30-7:30PM

Tuesday November 5th @ 12-1PM and 6:30-7:30PM

Monday November 25th   @ 12-1PM and 6:30-7:30PM

First Congregational Church of Cherryfield

Monday October 14th  2 4-5PM

Milbridge Congregational Church

Dates and times to be determined. We will let you know.

October Birthdays and Anniversaries

13: Liz Bunker            14:  Peggy Karns

18:  TJ Mack     19:  Bonnie Ross         20:  Ruth Dietze

24: Susan Davies  29:  Ron McGlinchey  30: Chris & Melissa Nowell


Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:


Prayers for the family and friends of Cynthia’s Aunt Barbara who passed away October 5.  Prayers for Ron’s brother, Joe; Kathy’s brother, David; and Orrick, all receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Prayers for Donald B. and Kenny S. of Golden Acres, both awaiting surgeries. Prayers for Sarina’s dad, James Brookman; Everett’s brother, Darrell; Judith C.; Don and Heather; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Dr. John; Yvonne; Herbie Lounder; Ira; Cathy C.; Jane; Ruth; Marie; Doris; Ron & Kathy; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori & Melissa; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie & Hollis & Holly and Debbie’s Aunt Linda Reed; Amy Nickerson; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew & family; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…


Official Call of the 2024 Annual Meeting of the

Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ


The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ (successor to the Congregational Christian Conference of Maine; it being the 113th Anniversary of the Congregational Conference and Missionary Society of Maine; the 199th Anniversary of the State Conference, the 214th Anniversary of the Maine Missionary Society, the 192nd Anniversary of the Maine Congregational Ministerial Relief Society, and the 54th Anniversary of the Maine Conference as a Conference of the United Church of Christ), will: convene in person at Pilgrim Lodge and via Zoom at 8:45 a.m., Saturday, October 19, 2024. Connection details to be provided pending registration.


 Items to be voted at this year’s meeting will be the: 


●       Proposed 2025 Conference Budget

●       Slate of Officers Elect

●       2025 Clergy Compensation Guidelines  

Susan E. Burgess, Conference Clerk

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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



©Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC. All Rights Reserved.

Phone: 207-422-3100

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