Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for December 15, 2024
With joy draw water from the spring; salvation’s living well.
The Holy One is in your midst; glad praises sing and tell!
During the month of December, we will be receiving the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross Offering. This is an annual UCC offering that expresses our thanks to retired and active UCC pastors and lay church workers and their families facing emergency financial need, providing direct assistance to supplement pensions, help with the cost of medical insurance, and thank you gifts at Christmas. Envelopes are available in the back of the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall.
This week a check for $100 was dropped off at the Hancock Grammar School in support of the Snack Program for all students. The proceeds came from the redeemable bottles and cans we have been collecting. With the Holiday Party Season at hand, please save your beverage containers and bring them to the church so we can send more money to the school at the start of the New Year. Contact David Wildes at 422-3739 if you would like to arrange to have your redeemables picked up.
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Outreach will meet on Thursday, December 12th at 4:15 pm, in person and virtually.
The Board of Deacons will meet Friday, December 13th at 3:00 pm in person and on Zoom.
Church Council will meet Tuesday, December 17th at 1:30 pm in person and on Zoom.
Join us for lightly guided meditation at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays in our Sanctuary.
Join us for a Potluck Meal and Christmas Carol Sing on Sunday, December 15th.
Meet in the church Fellowship Hall at 5:00. Bring a dish to share and friends and family to enjoy the meal and Caroling at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 24th, we will have a Candlelight Service at
7:00 PM featuring readings and carols.
Pastor TJ will be on vacation for one week starting December 25th. Rev. Nick Davis will be preaching December 29th in her absence. Thank you, Nick!
December Birthdays and Anniversaries
15: Frank Dorsey 16: Ashley Ehrlenbach Johnson 17: Sue Croteau
18: Barbara Reeve 20: Sheila O’Neill 21: Mary Angela Davis
27: Jennifer Ashmore 30: Keith & Pam Bowie

From November 22nd, 2024 to April 30th, 2025 - we operate an overnight warming center for individuals in Hancock County who are unhoused. Open seven days a week from 4 PM to 6:30 AM, our center offers a warm, safe space along with food and beverages. Everyone is welcome to find comfort and support here. Location: 24 Church Street, Ellsworth, Maine.
We are currently seeking donations of the following products:
Personal Hygiene Products:
Body Wash, Deodorant, Disposable Razors, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Chapstick,
Wet Wipes, Feminine Products
Food Products:
Ground Coffee, Liquid & Powdered Creamer, Sugar, Grab & Go Snacks (granola bars,
breakfast bars, trail mix, fruit cups), Muffins, Non Perishable Food Items, Juice, Milk,
Bottled Water, Plastic Utensils, Paper Plates, Cups, & Bowls, Grocery Store Gift Cards
(small amounts)
Miscellaneous Products:
Winter Coats, Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Socks, Underwear (men and women), Backpacks, Hand Warmers, Long Johns, Washcloths, Towels, Rolls of Quarters or Local Laundromat gift cards (for guests)
Additional Way To Support:
We are seeking individuals or organizations to commit to making a meal to feed 25 people - weekly. If interested, please contact Tracy Crossman at 207-412-2288 or Tracy.Crossman@HealthyAcadia.Org
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
Prayers of comfort and peace for the family and friends of Lillian Joyce Lounder who died on Dec. 5th. A memorial service for Lillian will be held on Saturday, December 14 at 1:00 p.m. at the Hancock Grammar School with a celebration of life to follow. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to The Lillian J. Lounder Scholarship Fund, PO Box 218, Hancock, ME 04640. Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Bragdon-Kelly Funeral Home.
You can read Lillian’s obituary here: https://www.bragdonkelley.com/obituaries/Lillian-Joyce-Lounder?obId=33998739
Prayers of comfort and peace for the family and friends of Tom & Judy Niblock, whose son Andrew died Dec. 6th from complications of ALS. You can read Andrew’s obituary here: https://memorialvale.live/2024/12/08/andrew-niblock-obituary-greenwich-ct-teacher-at-greenwich-country-day-school-died-from-als-complications/

Continued prayers for the Lounder family as they celebrate the life and grieve the death of Earnest Lounder who passed away earlier this week. Prayers for Vicky, Everett, and Xyerra. Prayers for Ron & Kathy and their brothers Joe and David; both receiving treatments for cancer. Prayers for Donald B.; Kenny V.; Orrick; Brian; and Jane of Golden Acres. Prayers for Sally M.; Ernest Page and Family; Everett’s sister Libby; Judith C.; Eleanor A.; Don and Heather; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Herbie Lounder; Ira; Cathy C.; Ruth; Marie; Doris; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Kenny Stratton & Joy & David & Lori & Melissa; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Amy Nickerson; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…
From the Maine Conference
The Arrival of Jesus
A Reflection from Liz Charles McGough, Pilgrim Lodge Director
As we approach the darkest, longest night of the year, I recognize that this season brings a variety of emotions with it. For some, it is a time of busy errands and joyous celebrations. For others, grief and remembering may dominate the season. For others, the early darkness can present real challenges. In the life of a Camp Director, I am finding myself relishing the moments of stillness that this winter season offers and am most often found nestled as closely to my woodstove as possible for any given task at hand.
I have been sitting on my couch, looking at the lights of the Christmas tree, and thinking about the word “Advent.” The word means, “arrival.” Hmm…what are we waiting for? I found myself considering, “In this moment – 2024 – what is the arrival that we’re anticipating this Advent season? What does it mean to welcome and celebrate the birth of Jesus today?”
To me, the arrival of Jesus today means doing the work of social justice in a world full of inequities. The arrival of Jesus today means waging peace in a world of war. The arrival of Jesus today means inviting the marginalized in our society to the table. The arrival of Jesus today means standing up with the oppressed when their rights are denied.
Hmmm…the arrival of Jesus sounds pretty busy. I realized that, to me, welcoming Jesus into the world in this moment must be an active process. It means grappling with the discomfort of responsibility and overcoming a feeling of smallness in the face of challenge. It means stepping beyond the warmth of my comfort zone instead of hoping someone else will do the work. If justice is to be done, if peace is to be pursued, if those who are marginalized and oppressed are to be seen and supported, this doesn’t happen from my couch.
I invite you to consider with me, what does the arrival of Jesus mean to you? How might each of us, in our own way, get off the couch, leave the comfort of the woodstove, and put on our coats to step out into the cold and darkness…to be a light?
May hope, peace, joy and love abide with you this season…
that we may have the tools we need to be Jesus’ hands, feet, and heart in the world.

Christmas Poinsettia Plants
Poinsettia plants wrapped in foil will be available to order for the Christmas Eve Service.
The poinsettias will be $10.00 per plant.
Please place your order with Vicky by Wednesday, December 18th by completing the order form below, calling 207-422-3100 or 207-266-9493, or emailing hancockmaineucc@gmail.com. Cash or checks made payable to Union Congregational Church will be accepted.
Your Name:________________________________________ Your Phone:______________
Please indicate if your poinsettia is in honor of or in loving memory of someone
or multiple someones and how you wish to have this listed in the bulletin.
In honor of ________________________________________________________
In loving memory of ________________________________________________