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12/22/24 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for December 22, 2024

Mary, song of holy wisdom

sung before the world began:

Faithful to the Word within you,

as you bore God's wondrous plan.


During the month of December, we will be receiving the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross Offering. This is an annual UCC offering that expresses our thanks to retired and active UCC pastors and lay church workers and their families facing emergency financial need, providing direct assistance to supplement pensions, help with the cost of medical insurance,  and thank you gifts at Christmas. Envelopes are available in the back of the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall.


Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 24th, we will have a Candlelight Service at

7:00 PM featuring readings and carols. Pastor TJ is looking for a few people (children, youth, or adult) to volunteer for non-speaking parts during the Christmas liturgy.


Do you have an extra Nativity Set that the church could borrow for Christmas Eve? Something larger than the traditional 7” or 8” table top version would be ideal. Let Pastor TJ know…


Pastor TJ will be on vacation for one week starting December 25th. Rev. Nick Davis will be preaching December 29th in her absence. Thank you, Nick!


Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person. Our meetings are held in person and virtually on Zoom.

Trustees will meet on Wednesday, January 8 at 12 noon

Outreach will meet on Thursday, January 9 at 3:14 pm

Deacons will meet Friday, January 10 at 4:00 pm

Christian Ed will meet on Sunday, January 12 following worship

Council will meet on Friday, January 17 at 11:15 am

As your Boards and Committees are meeting for the first time this year, please let Vicky know who the Chair and Council Representative will be. Thanks!

Join us for lightly guided meditation at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays in our Sanctuary. 



The Holy Birth

By Jane Lennon

 It’s the time of merriment,

 with Christmas oh so near,

the news of the holy child’s birth

that lasts throughout the year .


A star from the heavens

that shines as bright as day,

to tell of Jesus’ coming

 on the blessed Christmas day.


A beautiful babe born

to a holy pair.

Mary and Joseph

gazed down on Jesus’ face. 


The animals bowed their heads

to view and speak to them.

For they possessed a special gift

the present yet to see


For we are blessed

and carry the pure love he bestowed.  

So please be grateful

this time of year.


Hear music of the angels,

be kind to one another, gentle on the wing,

to be a part of Christmas,

and all the joy that it brings.

December Birthdays and Anniversaries


27: Jennifer Ashmore   30: Keith & Pam Bowie


January Birthdays and Anniversaries


06: Erin Ehrlenbach Collins   07: Sally Bryant    07: John Wood   07: Peter & Sally Bryant  09: Rebeckah Philio   12: Myrna Coffin        15: Ben Wildes      22: Chris Potter 

16: Everett & Vicky Espling       21: Jackie Hunt           21: Carol Skinner

23: Avabelle Havey        25: Holly Harriman     29: Jen Remick


Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for the Lounder family as they celebrate the life and grieve the death of C. Earnest Page who passed away early last week. Prayers for Vicky, Everett, Joey and Xyerra. Prayers for Ron & Kathy and their brothers Joe and David. Prayers for Donald B.;  Kenny V.; Orrick; Brian; and Jane of Golden Acres. Prayers for Sally M.; Everett’s sister Libby; Judith C.; Eleanor A.; Ira; Don and Heather; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Cathy C.; Herbie Lounder; Ruth; Marie; Doris; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Kenny Stratton & Joy & David & Lori & Melissa; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Amy Nickerson; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…

From our Associate Conference Minister – Rev. John Fiscus

Tis the week before Christmas,

And all through the state,

 Every pastor is working,

To make worship great...


Chrismon’s were hung

on the trees with great care

In hope that these symbols,

will Christ's great love share.


The mangers are ready

to receive God's shared light.

Lamb, shepherds and wise men,

All huddled in tight,


We started with hope,

Our anchor in place

Lighting first candle,

Receiving God's grace.


Then onward we journeyed

and add the second,

We abide with Peace.

Where justice is reckoned.


As we began to feel the joy

Purple now yielded to Rose...

To acknowledged the vessel

That divine spirit chose.


Now, Before the starlight

marks our way


We are invited to linger

at last in great love,

Floating down to us

like a winged dove...


Our journey through Advent,

Is time well spent

It helps us frame

why Jesus was sent.


Hope, peace, love and joy

our tasks never quite done,

yet knowing it’s how our battles

Are now to be won...


As we listen on Christmas

In the silent night,

Return to knowing

all can be made right....


As these verses end,

Our renewed journeys now begin

Time to carry God's love

to all kith and kin...


Merry Christmas to all,

From our hearts to yours

As blessings flow

through all our church doors…

Before the dawn

of Christmas Day

Rev. John Fiscus

From our Conference Minister – Marisa Laviola


Beloved of the Maine Conference,


In response to the uncertainty in our country with the entrance of the new administration this January, our General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ—Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson—has written a pastoral letter to all members and friends of the UCC. All Conference Ministers have endorsed this letter. I am in full support of the message. I pray that you gain solace and strength through these words. If you wish conversation, I am available to you. Click on the link below.


Blessings on each and all, Beloved. Deep prayers for a truly hope-filled and loving Christmas,


CM Marisa


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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



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Phone: 207-422-3100

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