Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for June 23, 2024
Now the basket was bulging with fish and with bread (that's right)
Something special happened by the prayer
He said When dinner was over, our bellies were full (yum)
Everyone agreed it was a miracle
For one basket, two fish and
Five loaves of barley bread
Upcoming services, meetings, events, and opportunities
Join us for Worship in our Sanctuary or on Zoom at 9:30 a.m.,
or watch the recording later on Facebook or YouTube
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 2425 2518 Passcode: 755650
Find us at Hancock UCC | Hancock ME | Facebook or
on YouTube at Hancock UCC - YouTube
Pastor TJ will be leading worship from Wisconsin, Sunday, June 23 on the Zoom screen and work remotely from there through June 28th.
Let’s sign up for Pilgrim Lodge! Registration is open for Family Camp, Labor Day Weekend, Friday through Monday, August 30, – Sept 2. Sign up for all 3 nights or choose a shorter stay. Let Pastor TJ know if you are interested. Scholarships are available. Camp is for everyone!
Upcoming June Birthdays and Anniversaries
23: Steve & Mary Beth DiMarco 25: Kenny Houghton 26: Pat Shannon
29: Ted & Ann Atkinson
Handy Woman for Hire!
Personal care; Food preparation and cooking; Shopping;
Gardening; Interior and Exterior Painting
Lori Stratton
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for Bruce’s sister Lynn, Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Dr. John; Ginny Hamm. Prayers for Herbie Lounder; Everett, and Cathy C. Prayers for Cynthia’s Aunt Barbara, and William at Golden Acres, both receiving Hospice Care. Prayers for Ruth; Marie; Joyce; Doris; Mary Angela & Nick’s son Joshua; Ron & Kathy; Graham; Jim Snyder; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Jonathan Holmes; Sue Davies; Nancy & John & Jonas; Sue Davenport; Austin’s cousin Danny; Liz & Jim; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Sandy Phippen; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie & Hollis & Holly and Debbie’s Aunt Linda Reed; Judith C.; Amy Nickerson; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for the people of our nation and of our world experiencing escalating wars, conflicts, and disasters. Prayers for all individuals and families experiencing addictions; prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…
You are invited to Hannah Mondrach’s Ordination & Installation, June 23, at 4:00 p.m.
Seaside United Church of Christ
Wadsworth Park
21 Summit Road, Northeast Harbor, ME 04662
The Wabanaki Alliance has released our Media and Style Guide! This guide’s purpose is to help the media and anyone else writing about Wabanaki issues to do so in a respectful and informed way. It’s an excellent resource, located on our website here: https://www.wabanakialliance.com/style-guide/
We’re pleased to see multiple articles already responding positively to the recent release of the Wabanaki Alliance Media and Style Guide:
The Bangor Daily News published a piece entitled “They’re not ‘Maine’s tribes’:
A new guide for writing about the Wabanaki Nations”: https://www.bangordailynews.com/.../new-guide-writing.../
News Center Maine published a story entitled “People of Wabanaki Nations stress proper representation, importance of language”:
We encourage you to read these articles to learn more!
From the Sunrise Association
Dear Sunrise Association clergy friends,
I write on behalf of the Sunrise Association Committee on Ministry to seek your assistance in identifying new members of the COM. According to our By-laws, the COM should have nine members. As a result of folks rotating off the committee unreplaced and a couple of people needing to step away, mid-year, due to changes in personal circumstances, we are operating with a very committed but very reduced team of five members.
We are particularly in need of lay members - although we'd welcome clergy, too.
As you all know, the COM plays a crucial role in the life of the Association. I have included below the list of responsibilities that the committee is charged with overseeing: it's work that's central to the life of our churches and our clergy in the Sunrise Association. And we need your help to recruit some good folks to join us in that work.
All anyone needs to be part of the COM is a willingness to learn. No experience necessary - just curiosity and a desire to help out. Service of the COM is a wonderful way to get to know the other churches in the Sunrise Association, to work closely with some good (and even fun!) colleagues, and to contribute to the thriving of the broader church.
With much gratitude,
From the Sunrise Association By-Laws:
8.4.2. The committee has the authority to: Work with churches seeking membership in the Association and provide recommendations to the Coordinating Council regarding membership; Provide assistance and encouragement for member churches in support of our mutual, covenantal relationship; Oversee the standing of churches within the Association and make recommendations to the Coordinating Council regarding any change in church membership status; Approve candidates for status as Members in Discernment; Authorize individuals as Licensed Ministers within the Association; Authorize individuals as Commissioned Ministers within the Association; Authorize ministers as holding Dual Standing and Privilege of Call within the Association; Recommend to the Coordinating Council candidates for examination by an Ecclesiastical Council leading to Ordained Ministerial Status; Approve the transfer of standing for authorized ministers seeking membership in the Association, and recommend transfer of standing for authorized ministers seeking membership in other Associations; Provide support and oversight for authorized ministers with standing in the Association, including the monitoring of all ongoing requirements for ministerial standing (boundary training, etc.); Investigate problems with authorized ministry that come to the attention of the Association; Determine and institute actions and outcomes in response to support and oversight activities, up to and including termination of ministerial standing.—
Rev. Dr. Andi Lloyd (she/her)
Trinitarian Congregational Parish of Castine
P.O. Box 108
Castine, ME 04421
Office: (207) 326-9486
Mobile: (802) 989-1448
e-mail: andi@tcpoc.org
From Our Maine Conference
Circles of Welcome
A Letter from Liz Charles McGough – Director of Pilgrim Lodge

Dear Friends,
I write to you on the eve of the arrival of the first children for summer camp for the 2024 season at Pilgrim Lodge. We have just wrapped up over a week of staff training…learning CPR, discussing best practices for inclusion, grounding ourselves in the summer curriculum, “Linked by Love.” We have scrubbed the camp and assembled the docks. We have sorted their health forms, practiced the songs we’ll sing together and planned arts and crafts activities. We are ready for their arrival.
These last couple of months have been a flurry of activity. So many tasks to complete to welcome our campers. My head is often spinning. Over and over, when I have been caught in the whirlwind of preparations, I have turned to this prayer for grounding.
Hospitality Prayer
Beloved, teach us to open our shuttered hearts
and our portioned and boarded up spirits
with bold generous and with courageous hospitality.
Estranged and alienated so often and from so much,
sustain us in making circles of welcome out of gatherings of strangers.
Around the table of wonder, meet us in abundance,
drawing out our stories
and showing us how to weave together community with steadfast love.
The wells of life are our responsibilities;
teach us to care for them together,
with forbearance, forgiveness, gratitude, and rejoicing
… Amen.
~ written by Rev. Naomi King, and posted on
The Wonderment. http://thewonderment.typepad.com/
Through the work of drawing out stories, we will make circles of welcome out of gatherings of strangers. “What” we will do at camp this summer involves lots of activities, games, songs, worship and labyrinth walks. If we can stay focused on “how” we do camp…”weav[ing] together community with steadfast love,” the days ahead most assuredly hold days of “wonder” and “abundance.”
A beloved volunteer, Rev. Gil Healy, led our staff in devotions last week. He left behind a message on the mantel over the fireplace. “Now Here.” May you have a “now here” moment today that opens your heart.