Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for August 13, 2023
Jesus walking on the water
Sweet Jesus walking in the sky
Sinking sand He took my hand
He raised me up and he brought me up
I can hold my, my, my head high
Upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities
Join us in our Sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. or on Facebook Live for the summer months.
You will be able to watch the service on Facebook Live in real time
or watch the recording on Facebook or YouTube .
Find us at Hancock UCC | Hancock ME | Facebook or
on YouTube at Hancock UCC - YouTube
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Deacons will meet Friday, August 11 at 12 noon in the fellowship hall and on Zoom.
Outreach will meet Thursday, August 17 at 4:00 pm
There will be a graveside service to honor the life of John Holt
at the Lamoine Baptist Church cemetery at 4:00 pm on Sunday, August 13.
Parking is available in the church lot, at the Lamoine school, and at the Grange.
Those who need to park close should turn up the drive on the east side of the cemetery. Volunteers will be present to assist with parking directions.
A reception will follow in the Lamoine Baptist Church hall.
We are joining with the Lamoine Baptist Church to provide a reception
immediately following the graveside service.
We need about a dozen volunteers to make food and deliver it to the Lamoine church.
We need finger food for 125-150 guests that can be served cold or room temperature.
Suggestions include fruit, small sandwiches, little pastries or tiny quiches (sweet or savory).
(The Lamoine Church is taking care of the drinks and the table set up
including linens and serving platters and trays.)
Please contact Barbara Reeve (at 207 460 0527) to volunteer and to obtain additional details.
The church potluck picnic will be held at 4:00 pm on Sunday, August 20 at Tidal Falls. Please plan to attend and bring your family and friends, and a dish to share!
Curtis and Helen Beach’s youngest daughter, Ruth Anne Beach passed away in early July. Her memorial service is planned at the Blue Hill Congregational Church August 19 @ 11 a.m.
The Hancock Riverside Cemetery Association (RCA) has hired Joe Ferraninni of “Gravestones Matter” again this year to continue our long-term restoration project. We made some major improvements last year and hope to accomplish even more this year.
There are still many gravestones of our ancestors in poor condition and a lot that are broken and have fallen over.
We hope to have volunteers do much of the preparation work before Joe arrives. If we can do the cleaning and some of the digging it will allow us to use Joe’s time and our $ to perform the heavy lifting and specialty equipment/materials tasks. Thus, we will accomplish a lot more work in the 3 days he is here. It’s also your chance to learn the proper way to clean gravestones without causing damage.
Can you help? Of course, donations are also very much appreciated. These 3 days of activity will cost the RCA approximately $3000 and we hope to raise sufficient funds to allow us to continue this work for at least a few more years.
WE NEED HELP--Volunteer Work Schedule:
8:30AM -10:00AM each of the following dates:
Friday, Saturday & Sunday Aug 11-13—Work with Gravestones Matter
Contact Bob Foss if you need more info or just show up wearing old clothes
azbfjf@yahoo.com 480-617-0700
Tax deductible donations can be mailed to the Riverside Cemetery Association at
PO Box 419 Hancock, ME 0460
August Birthdays and Anniversaries
14: Amelia Ashmore 15: *David* Wildes & *Cynthia* Wood
19: *Doug* Kimmel & *Ron* Schwizer 23: Gerry Mehl
24: *Cynthia* Wood 25: Austin Crowley-Dunn 29: *Nick* & *Mary Angela* Davis
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:
Prayers for the Crabtree family; Shona, Tyler, Dwight, and Carolynn along with their families on the death of Steve who died on August 9th. They are grateful for his life and his love and for all prayers ascending; Prayers for Jane Preble; William in hospice care; Coulter Huyler;
Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Prayers for Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Amy Nickerson; John Wood; Jim Snyder; Mike and Cindy Merritt; Sandy Phippen; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Dave Marden; for all caregivers; Renata’s sister-in-law Joanne; Austin’s cousin Danny; Liz & Jim; Margaret B; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie Maddocks and her Aunt Linda Reed; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew and his family; Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries; Prayers for all individuals and families experiencing addictions; for all victims and loved ones of violence; prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion; and for all that is in your heart…
Many of us were to Pilgrim Lodge this week for the Lighten Up, Loosen Up session. Even though Tuesday was filled with much rain, a good time was had by all.
Hope you enjoy some of the pictures that were taken.
Last week, August 29-31, Xyerra and Vicky were at Pilgrim Lodge for Grandparent and Grandchildren II Camp. We had rain Saturday, but the rest of the weekend was beautiful.
Fair and Yard Sale
Once again, we had a very successful Fair and Yard Sale. Thanks to all who helped and participated in any way. Attached is a preliminary report of the day. The numbers will be adjusted to reflect additional income and expenses. A final report will be forthcoming.
News from the Maine Conference
A letter from
Rev. Alexis Fuller-Wright
Dear Friends,
There are plenty of people who will tell you that Christianity is nothing but a big list of NO’s: no to certain types of activities or to certain types of people or to certain types of practices.
But faith begins with a big, bold YES… a willingness to believe that with God, anything is possible.
Isn’t it ironic, then, that our churches are often places of “no.” “No” to new ways of doing things. “No” to dreams that can’t fit in our budget. “No” to ideas that stretch beyond our comfort zone.
The disciples were perhaps the biggest nay-sayers of all. When they found themselves with a crowd of 5,000 to feed, the disciples had only one barley loaf and two fish among them. They started to panic: No, there isn’t enough. We can’t possibly feed these people. The math doesn’t work.
They had forgotten that we were created by a God not bound by human conventions. And in the Holy Spirit’s sacred math, there was not only enough to meet the need, but extra.
Sometimes I think we confuse faithfulness with fearfulness. We forget that when our work is guided by the Gospel – feeding and tending, healing and liberating – things happen that defy our spreadsheets and our 5-year plans. That doesn’t mean those tools are wrong, simply that they, alone, aren’t sufficient.
This week, I wonder how God might be inviting you or your church to move out of scarcity and into an abundance mindset? Where might Christ be beckoning you to trust that there will be more than enough to meet the need?
I pray this week that you might be able to lean into God’s promise of enough and find yourself astonished, again, by the greatness of the One we follow.
God’s peace,