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9/15/24 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for September 15, 2024


Let us pray, let us pray,

Everywhere in every way

Every moment of the day,

It is the right time

For God above is listening with love

And wants to answer us,

So let us pray.


Choir practice on Sunday mornings at 9:15. All are welcome and we look forward to making a joyful noise.


Join us this Sunday after our Worship Service for Fellowship Time as we celebrate Kenny Stratton, and all of our September birthdays with cake and singing.


The Friday morning Hancock Point Chapel meditation group will meet for the last time this summer at 9:00 a.m. on September 13th. 


During the month of September we will be receiving Our Church’s Wider Mission offering. This is one of the 5 for 5 offerings received by the Maine Conference throughout the year.


Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let TJ or Vicky know and they will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.

The Budget Committee will meet Friday, September 13 at 9:30 am

The Board of Deacons will meet Friday, September 13 at 3:00 pm in person and on Zoom.


Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for Everett’s brother, Darrell; Sandra & Susan; Orrick; Judith C.; Don and Heather; Graham and Joey and Morgan; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Dr. John; Yvonne; Herbie Lounder; Ira; Cathy C.  and for Cynthia’s Aunt Barbara receiving Hospice Care. Prayers for Jane; Ruth; Marie; Joyce; Doris; Ron & Kathy; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Austin’s cousin Danny; Kenny Stratton; Joy & David & Lori; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Betty & her step-daughter Mollie; Debbie & Hollis & Holly and Debbie’s Aunt Linda Reed; Amy Nickerson; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew & family; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for the people of our nation and of our world experiencing escalating wars, conflicts, and disasters. Prayers for all individuals estranged from family members; prayers for all individuals and families experiencing addictions; prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…


Hancock Grammar School BackPack Program


  The BackPack Program will distribute BackPacks each Thursday to those students needing additional weekend food support. The packs contain breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.


Snacks needed for Hancock Grammar School

We were given this list of snacks for the Hancock Grammar School Snack Program. Please stick to this list of healthy, easily distributed snacks. We will also accept cash donations and gift cards.


*Animal Crackers

*Nutri-Grain Bars

*Trail Mix packets

*Mini Pretzels


*Mandarin Orange Cups

*Peach Cups

*Mott’s Applesauce cups

*Planters Salted Peanuts packets

*Lance Toasty Peanut Butter Sandwiches

*Lance Cheddar Cheese Sandwiches

*Graham Crackers

We have a total of 13 classes (including our middle school). So with that in mind, it looks like we will need about $350 a month to supply snacks for our students that are in need.


Upcoming September Birthdays and Anniversaries    

15: Nancy Cooledge       15: Priscilla Hirschenhofer         16: Jaimie & Gina Tansey                   19: Tony Burkart        19: Joey & Morgan Espling            20: Dianne Eckhardt     20: Cliff Manchester             20: Jim Singletary


Hancock Woman’s Club Community Event

We Demand: The Suffrage Road Trip

A talk by Anne Gass chronicling a 1915 road trip from CA to DC to gather signatures to demand the right to vote for women. September 19, at 6:30 pm. Hancock Community Center,1416 US 1, Hancock   Contact Mary Lou Barker for more information 207-422-3756


The Franklin Methodist Church will host Public Bean Suppers, September 21, and again October 19, at 5 pm, traditional meal with pie desserts. The proceeds will  benefit the heating assistance program for the village. 


Official Call of the 2024 Annual Meeting

of the

Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ


The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ (successor to the Congregational Christian Conference of Maine; it being the 113th Anniversary of the Congregational Conference and Missionary Society of Maine; the 199th Anniversary of the State Conference, the 214th Anniversary of the Maine Missionary Society, the 192nd Anniversary of the Maine Congregational Ministerial Relief Society, and the 54th Anniversary of the Maine Conference as a Conference of the United Church of Christ), will: convene in person at Pilgrim Lodge and via Zoom at 8:45 a.m., Saturday, October 19, 2024. Connection details to be provided pending registration.


 Items to be voted at this year’s meeting will be the: 


●       Proposed 2025 Conference Budget

●       Slate of Officers Elect

●       2025 Clergy Compensation Guidelines  

Susan E. Burgess, Conference Clerk

Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ

2024 Yard Sale / Fair / Silent Auction

Net Profit Financial Report



Yard Sale                                 $1,757.60

Second Time Around                   $793.50

Kitchen Cupboard                        $635.20

Coffee Klatch                              $124.00

Book Nook                              $1,240.25

Snack Bar                                    $924.00

Jewelry                                    $1,071.25

Green Thumb                              $669.00

Silent Auction                           $3,944.00

Face Painting                                $16.00

Art                                              $120.00

Unallocated Sales/Donations        $563.00


Total Sales                             $11,857.80




Dumpster                                   $568.40

Porta Potty                                  $140.00

Crab meat                                  $175.00

Parsonage Rent Reduction          $350.00

Startup Cash                               $625.00     Incl. Snack Bar startup expenses

Misc. expenses                                            


Total Expenses                       $1,858.40 


Total Net Profit                      $9,999.40    



2024 Yard Sale / Fair / Silent Auction Net Profit Financial Report:

Another iffy-weather forecast! Rain started around 7:30 am and continued toward noon-time. Tents in the church parking lot kept most dry, but the rain definitely "dampened" early yard sale sales. Tables were covered, with only the most determined looking under, until around 11:30 am. Furniture sales from the parsonage garage were good though. Luckily the second half of our day was dryer and sales continued right until 2 pm.


From Our Maine Conference

A Note from our Associate Conference Minister

                         Rev. Sam Houser

As my time as your Transitional Associate Conference Minister comes to a close, I find myself reflecting with deep gratitude on the journey we've shared this past year. Serving alongside you in the sacred work of search and call processes, guiding our community of practice groups, and facilitating the interim affinity groups has been a profound honor and a source of immense joy. Each of you has shown a deep commitment to the ministries and communities you serve, and it has been a privilege to witness and support the ways in which God’s spirit is moving through Maine.

Transitions often bring a mix of emotions, and while I am excited for what lies ahead, I also carry with me the deep connections and shared experiences we've cultivated together. The diversity of churches, each with its unique challenges and gifts, has enriched my understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ. Through our work, I have seen firsthand the power of unity in diversity, and I leave this role with a heart full of hope for the continued growth and flourishing of the ministries within the Maine Conference.

As I step away from this role, I do so with faith in the Spirit’s continued guidance for each of you. May you continue to support one another, seek God’s wisdom, and walk in the light of Christ’s love as you navigate the paths ahead. I will carry you all in my prayers, trusting that the seeds we have planted together will bear fruit in due season.

With deep gratitude and blessings

Reverend Sam Houser


Associate Conference Minister

Goodbye to Sam, hello to our brand-new Conference Staff

As we gratefully say goodbye to Sam Houser, I am aware that our staff has been in transition over the past year. Please know that we are “new.” We no longer have the institutional memory of Nita, Karen, and our beloved Anne. Liz Charles is our “senior” member at 2 ½ years. John is our most “junior” member at 4 weeks. Please take a moment to get to know us by following the link to the staff page on the web site. Blessings on all our newness, as the Spirit is blessing us with “all things new”, CM    Marisa

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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



©Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC. All Rights Reserved.

Phone: 207-422-3100

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