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Donations need for "Breakfast on the Green"

The Christian Education Committee will be hosting "Breakfast on the Green" at the Memorial Day Celebration in the Hancock village square on Monday, May 30th, and we need your help! We will be offering a variety of breakfast sandwiches and muffins, coffee and juice boxes, and would be grateful for our congregations' support. A sign-up sheet will be available on Sunday, May 22 and you can bring items to church on Sunday, May 29. A list of the items we'll need is below. If you would rather provide a cash donation, we'll be happy to do the shopping for you! Please contact Tamara at 207-460-4148 with any questions.

10 packages of English muffins (6 each bag)

5 packages of American or cheddar cheese (20 slice count package)

3 packages of bacon

3 packages of deli ham or Canadian bacon

2 pints creamer

1/2 gallon milk

Assorted juice boxes and small bottled water

2 rolls of tinfoil

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