Easter Plants
Daffodil, Hyacinth and Tulip plants wrapped in foil
will be available to order for the Easter Service.
The plants are available for $12.95.
Please order through Barbara Reeve by Sun, March 26th
by completing the order form below, calling 460-0527,
or emailing barb.reeve@gmail.com.
Cash or checks made payable to Union Congregational Church of Hancock will be accepted. Please indicate if you would like to place a plant in church “in honor of” or
“in loving memory of” a particular individual(s).
Name:__________________________________ Phone:______________
Choice of flower(s): $12.95 each
Daffodils __________
Hyacinths __________
Tulips __________
How do you wish to have the bulletin read?
In honor of __________________________________________________
In loving memory of __________________________________________