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Fall Handbell Ringing!

Fall Handbell Ringing

Because of travel and Play commitments this Fall, handbell practices won’t start until

mid October. Here’s the plan: Rehearsals Sundays after church 11:30–12:15ish Oct. 22, 29 and Nov. 5th playing a Thanksgiving tune on Nov. 12th (Annual Meeting date). Then resuming rehearsals Nov. 19, and Dec. 3, and 10th, playing our Christmas selections on Sunday, Dec 17th .

(We can discuss playing on Christmas Eve, but Pat S. will be gone.)

We need 7 participants to commit to a majority of these rehearsals to be able to ring.

Please call Pat Summerer at 963-7182 if you are interested. Thank You.

If you are a new ringer, or just curious to find if this is something you’d like – we can have a

beginner’s exploratory practice on Sept. 17th after church. Please consider joining us. It’s fun and rewarding to be part of a group playing to the Glory of the Lord without being judged for your expertise. Again, please call Pat if you would like to try ringing!

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