On May 4 the Wednesday Study Group will pick up the book, “A New New Testament.”
We will have afternoon (2:00) and evening (7:00) groups in the Fellowship Hall and on Zoom.
Week One: Please read these sections of the book prior to our first meeting. Foreward—Preface—Preface to the Translations—Introducing A New New Testament—How to Read A New New Testament (21 pages total) Additionally, please read and be ready to discuss (write down questions and comments as you read) An Introduction to the Prayer of Thanksgiving and The Prayer of Thanksgiving (3 pages total) and The Introduction to the Gospel of Mark and The Gospel of Mark (25 pages total)
Zoom Invitation to Wednesday study groups:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87185875801?pwd=eUlMYkFjQXJWcUN4UndBRVFwWEpiUT09 Meeting ID: 871 8587 5801 Passcode: 430477
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