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1/12/25 Weekly Messenger

Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for January 12, 2025

 Breathe on me, Breath of God,

fill me with life anew,

that I may love the way you love,

and do what you would do.


Our guest minister will be Rev. Dr. Nick Davis this Sunday. Thank you Nick!


We will be installing our Officers, Board and Committee members during the 10 a.m. worship service on January 12th. If you hold an office or are on one of our boards or committees, please plan to join us as we install and celebrate your willingness to serve,


Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person. Our meetings are held in person and virtually on Zoom.

Deacons will meet on Friday, January 10 at 4 pm.

Christian Ed will meet on Sunday, January 12 following worship

Council will meet on Friday, January 17 at 11:15 am

As your Boards and Committees are meeting for the first time this year, please let Vicky know who the Chair and Council Representative will be. Thanks!

Join us for lightly guided meditation at 9:00 a.m. on Fridays in our Sanctuary. 


Mark your calendars: Deaths from opioid/fentanyl drug overdose are dropping in Maine and nationally. One big reason is the availability of Narcan in our communities. On Sunday, February 9th, after church, Brandy Brooks will provide training on when and how to administer this potentially life-saving drug which comes in a nasal spray. Those who attend will be provided with both Narcan and educational resources. Brandy is working towards certification as a Recovery Coach. Please contact the church office if you wish to attend this training.


January Birthdays and Anniversaries


12: Myrna Coffin        15: Ben Wildes      22: Chris Potter 

16: Everett & Vicky Espling       21: Jackie Hunt           21: Carol Skinner

23: Avabelle Havey        25: Holly Harriman     29: Jen Remick


Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

Prayers for Kathy, Ron and extended family and friends  as they mourn the loss of Kathy’s brother David who passed away on January 6th.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Fran Reed, family and friends on the passing of her husband, Ken on November 16th.


Continued prayers for Pastor TJ, her Dad, Don, mother, Carol, and her siblings as they navigate this new chapter in their lives and the lives of  their parents. Prayers for Ron & Kathy and his brother Joe. Prayers for Donald B.;  Kenny V.; Orrick; Brian; and Jane of Golden Acres. Prayers for Sally M.; Judith C.; Eleanor A.; Ira; Don and Heather; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Sally’s friend, Sue Barger; Herbie Lounder; Ruth; Marie; Jim Snyder; Jonathan Holmes; Brandon Perry-Hudson; John Wood; Sue Davies; Sue Davenport; Liz & Jim; Kenny Stratton & Joy & David & Lori & Melissa; Debbie & Lincoln & son-in-law Aaron, daughter Ashley, and granddaughter Brielle; Sandy Phippen; Amy Nickerson; Kevin and Vanessa & family. Prayers of strength and healing for all awaiting diagnoses and for all recovering from surgeries & procedures. Prayers for all that are unsafe, unhoused, hungry & in need of care & compassion. Prayers for all caregivers; and prayers for all that is in your heart…

Celebration of Life for Rev David Stillman


For anyone interested, the link for the Celebration of Life service happening this Saturday, January 11th, at 11:00 am for the Reverend David C Stillman will be live streamed and the link is posted here.


A letter from our Conference Minister,

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola

Covenant Renewal

 “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10


At my last pastorate, our church every first Sunday in January would have a worship of “Covenant Renewal.” The worship focused on celebrating our ministry and mission as we entered into a new year. We also engaged in prayers and litanies to renew our covenant together as a church that is committed to receiving the love and full acceptance of God and spreading that love and acceptance to all, whoever they are and wherever they are on life’s journey. It was a glorious day of joy and renewal, of commitment to one another and to the people we serve in the greater community, a reaffirmation as followers of the teachings, life, and actions of Jesus—as resurrection people who shine the light of Christ into the dark corners of the world. We would sing every year: “Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come!”

Beloved people of our Conference, I wonder. I wonder if we intentionally in each of our churches and sacred settings celebrated “Covenant Renewal”, how much more real the message of “God-with-us”, the experience of “bringing Christmas all year round”, the commitment to shining the Light of Christ through our faith and actions, would ring out loud and true.


In my travels and communications with ALL size churches in the Maine Conference over the past 2+ years, I am so very grateful to witness so many faithful examples of mainline churches that are recognizing that faith that expresses itself in action is a vital way we express ourselves as followers of Jesus, as Light bearers of the Living Christ. Being welcoming to all on a Sunday morning and inviting them and one another to worship richly and vitally is just one example of following Jesus. Following Jesus also means going out beyond the four walls into our greater communities to care for those who are marginalized, hungry, shunned, forgotten. Following Jesus means ministry beyond the four walls and beyond Sunday morning. Following Jesus means being relevant to the needs around us for peace in the midst of enmity and division, hope in the midst of despair, and love that is unconditional—especially for those who are shunned from such love.


This January let’s all engage in “Covenant Renewal” in whatever way is blessed and uplifting in each faith setting:

• To celebrate our faith community and the beloved ones we serve

• To re-commit to being the hands and feet of Jesus so that “God-with all-of-us”  

             continues throughout the year

• To be and become relevant mission centers in our greater communities as we feed the 

             hungry, clothe the naked, welcome and embrace the shunned and marginalized

• To speak and act peace in the midst of turmoil and dissension

• To love with the tenacity and unconditional heart of God who loved us first


Blessing upon blessing, Faithful Ones of God,




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Union Congregational Church of Hancock, UCC

1368 US Hwy. 1

P.O. Box 443

Hancock, Maine 04640



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Phone: 207-422-3100

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