Hancock UCC Weekly Messenger for March 12, 2023
Fill my cup, Lord
I lift it up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole
Here's my cup, fill it up and make me whole

Don’t forget to
“Spring Forward”
Sunday, March 12th at 2:00 A.M.
Andy Matthews and Charles Dayhoff from Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry will be our guest speakers this Sunday, March 12th. Join us and learn how our local food pantry
is serving our community and how we can serve our local food pantry.
Upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities
The Choir practices at 9:30 this Sunday morning. All are welcome.
Join us in our Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. or on our Sunday Worship Zoom link at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88327467219?pwd=Mis3ME4waGE1RmRBN zFXK3VUaDJXdz09
Meeting ID: 883 2746 7219 Passcode: 131738
(Posted later for viewing on Facebook and YouTube)
The Union Congregational Church of Hancock, United Church of Christ will conduct a
Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, March 19, 2023 immediately following the morning worship service for the following purposes:
1. To vote on a proposed Trustee expenditure
Pursuant to the Emergency Powers granted to Council in Article VI, Section 5, of the Church By-Laws, Council authorizes Ron McGlinchey, or his designee, on behalf of the church Trustees, to spend up to $8,000 in church funds for the purpose of repairing, improving, or replacing any or all plumbing systems or parts of such systems related to the septic disposal system serving the church parsonage residence.
2. And any other matters to come before the congregation
Jeanne Edwards, Clerk
March 5, 2023
Our meetings are open to all. If you would like to attend a meeting, please let Vicky know and she will provide the Zoom link, or you are welcome to attend in person.
Lenten Study Group – Wed. evenings at 7:00.
Featuring selected scriptures and Wendell Berry’s Sabbath Poetry of Lent
Join us for a deepening of faith through introspection and discussion…
You need not come to all sessions. Join us whenever you can.
Deacons will meet Friday, March 10 at noon.
The Thorsen Fund Committee will meet Wed. March 15 at 6:00 p.m.
Outreach will meet Thursday March 16 at 4:00 p.m.
Council will meet Friday March 17 at 12:00 noon.
The Crabtree Family will hold a Memorial Service to celebrate the life of Marcia Crabtree at 4 pm on Monday July 10, 2023 at 864 Point Road in Hancock. All are welcome.
They look forward to seeing you and sharing memories about Marcia
and invite you to stay for food and drink after the ceremony.
Please RSVP to Shona Crabtree at shona@crabbers.net only if you are coming
so they can be sure to have a seat for you. Thank you.
For the month of March, we would love to collect new books for children in Hancock County. We love board books- (cardboard,) fabric crinkly books and high-contrast books for babies, books that have different textures, books with nursery rhymes, lift-the-flap books, books that foster attachment, and books about transitions for kids under the age of three, ex: using a potty, going to bed; books about feelings, just to name some. Board books or indestructible books are preferred for this age group so they can enjoy them for years to come! If you need some ideas or prefer to order online, here is an Amazon wish list that will be delivered to the office: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3GU2KAV4MGGXR?ref_=wl_share
Most of these books are between $4-$9. If you prefer a cash donation, we can collect cash and purchase some of these books as well. Thank you so much for your support!
-The Board of Outreach
Meet our congregation:
Meet Robin Long
I grew up in the 1960's and 70's in East Blue Hill. I attended college in New Hampshire and lived there for a few years after I graduated. I moved back to Maine in the 1980's, eventually settling in the Bangor area for work. That is where I met my future wife, Lisa. She and I were friends for many years before we finally got together in 1999! We bought a house together in Brewer and lived there with many pets, mostly rescues. I worked at the Bangor Y for a program that helped uninsured women get cancer screenings and also supported people diagnosed with cancer. I was also very active at Hammond Street Church, UCC. Lisa and I married there in 2014, shortly after same sex marriage became legal in Maine. I missed the coast and always knew I wanted to move back to Hancock County. We chose Lamoine and moved here in 2019 with 2 dogs, 2 cats and a parrot. I found a job in Ellsworth and now work with people struggling with opioid addiction. I am very happy to have found our church in Hancock!

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: the people of Syria and Turkey; the people of Ukraine and Russia; Nick’s sister Susan recovering from a mild stroke; Kenny Stratton receiving OT & PT at Blue Hill Hospital after a fall; Joy & David; Sally’s friend Joan; Denny Doucette; Vicky’s Aunt Eleanor; Morgan Espling; Debbie R.; Debbie E; David Mack; Coulter Huyler; Sandy Phippen; Josh Friend; Mary Shannon; Renata’s sister-in-law Joanne; President Jimmy Carter and his family; Linda K.; healing prayers for a family seeking solutions to significant mental health issues; Judith Crowley; Steve Crabtree; Debbie Maddocks and her Aunt Linda Reed; John Wood; Andrew and Tamara; Austin’s cousin Danny; Kathy’s sister Patti Wotton; Roberta Scott; Nancy; Cynthia; Betty Johnston; Betty’s step-daughter Mollie; Margaret B; Liz & Jim; Gary Edwards; Bruce’s sister Lynn; Renata and the women she cares for; Eleanor’s step-daughter Holly; Tom & Judy’s son Andrew and his family; all individuals and families experiencing addictions; all caregivers; all affected by memory loss; those living with depression and other mental health issues; for all victims and loved ones of violence, those impacted by laws limiting reproductive justice; those experiencing food and housing insecurity; all in your heart…
March Birthdays and Anniversaries:
12: *Tom* Severance
13: *Zachary* Spaulding
15: *Harry* Lounder III
15: *Nick* Davis
20: *Vivian* Foss
21: *Eveline* Thorsen
21: *Savanna Hudson Havey
23: *Linc* Ehrlenbach
28: *Pam* Bowie
Contact Us at Union Congregational Church of Hancock:
TJ can be reached by cell phone at 207-323-6743 or by email at revtjmack@gmail.com
Vicky can be reached at 207-422-3100 or by email at hancockmaineucc@gmail.com
Jen can be reached by email at treasurer@hancockucc.com
News from the Maine Conference

Please spread the word: there are so many ways that Pilgrim Lodge makes camp affordable! The “Bring-A-Friend Discount” provides a reduced rate to you and a friend that you bring to Pilgrim Lodge for the first time. Children are eligible for a “Multi-Session Discount” if they register for more than one camp program. Scholarship funds are available! Children and adults are eligible to apply. Don’t let financial barriers stand in the way of an amazing camp experience.
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope.
Fast from worries and trust in God.
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others
Fast from grudges and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.
– Pope Francis
As a kid growing up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, I was raised Roman Catholic. Fasting was BIG at Lent. We were sternly instructed in our Catechism to give up something we really liked. And for kids, that meant a favorite food.
Well, my favorite food was chocolate ice cream. So for 40 days I (begrudgingly) gave up chocolate ice cream. I was grateful when my mother told me that Sundays are not included in the 40 days, so it was ok to eat chocolate ice cream on Sundays. And O how I chowed down on chocolate ice cream every Sunday that satisfied me until the next Sunday. I think I missed the point.
Actually, I never understood the point. I just did it because I was told by the religious leaders to do it. Giving up chocolate ice cream did not teach me anything about why we were told to give something up for Lent.
As a local pastor, I was determined to introduce a new kind of fasting: a fasting that included giving up everything that keeps us from coming close to God. Folks quickly welcomed this new kind (especially since they didn’t necessarily have to give up their favorite food). It was also very meaningful. I remember hearing that some folks wanted to give up resentments, some deep pains that held them captive for years, some despair or discouragement, some enmity in relationships, some negative attitudes toward “the other not like me.” When I read this year of Pope Francis’ list of giving up for Lent, my heart was warmed. I was grateful to hear from a leader of my childhood church a meaningful and heart changing way of fasting; a fasting that is so needed in our tumultuous world.
And I wonder: if we all prayed upon, meditated upon Francis’ words, would our corner of the world in the Maine Conference be a little bit more loving? Forgiving? Compassionate? Grateful? Reconciled? Grateful? Hopeful?
Would we make a difference? Beloved, I will venture to say “yes we would.” I remain your servant and partner in Christ, Marisa