We respect tradition — and we welcome inclusive language about people and expansive language about God.Please pray using words most meaningful to you.
Open and Affirming of ALL God’s Children

July 23, 2023 Pilgrim Lodge - Camp Sunday This service will be in-person and on Facebook Live at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Time) (Posted for later viewing on Facebook and YouTube)
Silent Prayer Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen * Indicates points in the service when we stand in body or spirit Announcements Prelude Welcome *Introit Sanctuary Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you. *Call to Worship (from Psalm 8, adapted) One: O Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! All: You have set your glory above the heavens. One: What are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? All: You have given us dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things in our care, One: all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas. All: O Lord, our God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! *Passing of the Peace (ASL) and lighting Peace Candle – Deacon Mary Angela Davis *Hymn Those Who Wait Upon the Lord Pilgrim Lodge Hymnal #1 Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint, Help us, Lord;Help us, Lord, in thy way.. Those who worship God on high… Those who know the Mystery… Those who love the Lord, our God… Those who see the Risen Lord… Those who live the global style… Those who take care of God’s world… Those who go to Pilgrim Lodge… *Invocation (in unison) O God of the morning and of the evening hours, let your Spirit come on us here gathered in this holy place, where we, your people, call on you in faith, joining heart and voice in thanksgiving and praise to your name. Amen Children’s Message Peace Like a River Pilgrim Lodge Hymnal #32; Black Hymnal #478 I've got peace like a river I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, in my soul, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river in my soul! 2. I’ve got pain like an arrow… 3. I’ve got strength like a mountain… 4. I’ve got joy like a fountain… 5. I’ve got fear like an iceberg… 6. I’ve got love like the sunshine… 7. I’ve got de-ter-mi-na-tion… Hebrew Scriptures Genesis 28:10-17 Christian Scriptures Matthew 16:13-18 Special Music Message Conversation about Pilgrim Lodge Deacon Nick Davis & Pastor TJ *Hymn Part of the Family Pilgrim Lodge Hymnal #76 Chorus: Come in, come in and sit down; You are a part of the fam’ly. We are lost and we are found – we are a part of the fam’ly. You know the reason why you came, Yet no reason can explain, So share in the laughter and cry in the pain, For we are a part of the fam’ly God – is with us in this place, Like a Mother's warm embrace We're all forgiven by God's grace, For we are a part of the fam’ly Chorus: Come in, come in and sit down; You are a part of the fam’ly. We are lost and we are found – we are a part of the fam’ly. Children and elders, Middlers and teens, Singles and doubles and in-betweens. Strong eighty-fivers and street-wise sixteens, We are a part of the family. Greeters and shoppers, long-time and new, Nobody here has a claim on a pew. And whether we're many or only a few, We are a part of the family. Chorus: There's life to be shared, in the bread and the wine. We are the branches, Christ is the vine. This is God's temple, it's not yours or mine, But we are a part of the family. There's rest for the weary, and health for us all. There's a yoke that is easy And a burden that's small. So come in and worship and answer the call, For we are a part of the family. Chorus: Litany The God who is all around us guides us, supports us, and inspires us. To love, forgive, and befriend others, just as we are loved, forgiven, and befriended. Thanks be to our living God. Prayers of the People – Sharing Joys & Concerns Our Father (Creator, Mother) who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen Lead me Lord, lead me in thy righteousness, make thy way plain before my face. For it is thou Lord, thou Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety. Invitation to Offering – Let us present with joy our offerings of commitment and support for the work of Christ’s church. Offertory Pastorale Tune: Messiah/ Brenda Portman *The Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One. Amen *Prayer of Dedication (spoken in unison) All good gifts come from you, O God. You have given us life, and new life in Christ. As we have been given, so we give, as Jesus taught and lived. Amen *Hymn We Are the Church Pilgrim Lodge Hymnal #46 Chorus: I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus, All around the world! Yes, we are the church together! The church is not a building, The church is not a steeple, The church is not a resting place, The church is a people! Chorus: We’re many kinds of people With many kinds of faces, All colors and all ages, too From all times and places. Chorus: Sometimes the church is marching Sometimes it’s bravely burning, Sometimes it’s riding, sometimes hiding, Always it’s learning: Chorus: And when the people gather There’s singing and there’s praying, There’s laughing and there’s crying sometimes, All of it saying: Chorus: At Pentecost some people Received the Holy Spirit And told the Good News thru the world To all who would hear it: Chorus: I count if I am ninety, or nine or just a baby; There’s one thing I am sure about And I don’t mean maybe: I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus, All around the world! Yes, we are the church together! *Sung Blessing Go With Us, Lord R #336 Go with us, Lord, and guide the way through this and every coming day, That in your Spirit strong and true our lives may be our gift to you. *Benediction Postlude (Please remain seated for the Postlude) Support our Church Financially Please visit Hancock (Maine) UCC on Facebook or our new webpage www.hancockucc.com (please note that www.hancockucc.org still exists as an archival site) or visit this link to our PayPal account: paypal.me/hancockucc or mail offerings to: Union Congregational Church, PO Box 443, Hancock, ME 04640 (Attention: Treasurer) Contact Us hancockmaineucc@gmail.com treasurer@hancockucc.com revtjmack@gmail.com 207.422.3100 207.323.6743 Many thanks to those who make this service possible – in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Worship Planners & Leaders – Mary Angela and Nick Davis Music Minister – Debbie Riley Guest Musicians – Marie Graham and Halilu Zhang Deacons – Kathy McGlinchey & Sally Knapp Liturgist – Vicky Espling Graphics Minister – Cynthia Wood Audio-Video Support – Patrice Alexander Office Secretary – Vicky Espling Settled Minister – Rev. TJ Mack The Body of Christ – You Our Monteux student musicians this morning are Marie Graham and Halilu Zhang, both returning violinists. Marie Graham (1st year) is a rising sophomore at Oberlin Conservatory, pursuing a major in Violin Performance and a minor in East Asian Studies. Prior to entering her studies at Oberlin, she was a section member of the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra for three years. A current student of Francesca dePasquale, Marie’s former teachers have included Professor James Lyon of the Pennsylvania State University and Suzuki pedagogue Dr. Emily Rolka. At the Oberlin Conservatory, Marie has had the additional privilege of being coached in chamber music by members of the Verona Quartet, as well as supplementary studies in Historical Performance with Edwin Huizinga. As an Oberlin Conservatory student, Marie Graham is the recipient of the Oberlin Commitment Award, the Conservatory Dean’s Scholarship, and the Oberlin College Grant, as well as the C. and C. Bacon Scholarship. Currently, Marie plays a 2005 Zdenek Frodl Hradec Kralove violin on temporary loan courtesy of Oberlin Conservatory. Chinese-born violinist Halilu Zhang (1st year) boasts a distinguished orchestral background, performing with prominent conductors including Muhai Tang and Guoyong Zhang, at esteemed venues like the National Center for Performing Arts. Beginning her musical journey at Germany’s Mannheim Musik Hochshule, she further honed her craft at the Tianjin Conservatory of Music and California Baptist University, fulfilling roles such as associate concertmaster and concertmaster respectively. Currently, she enriches her expertise as a Doctor of Music candidate at the University of Oklahoma, serving as concertmaster of the OU Symphony Orchestra and first violinist of the Crouse Graduate Quartet. Halilu’s professional history includes roles with the Tianjin Symphony and Guiyang Symphony Orchestras in China. She will be joining the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra starting from the ‘23-’24 season. Additionally, she holds a Graduate Teaching Assistant position at the University of Oklahoma. Committed to ongoing development, Halilu has engaged in masterclasses with esteemed musicians like Peter Zazofsky, Alexander Kerr and Paul Kantor, earning praise for her skill and versatility. Resources UCC Book of Worship Inside Out: Christian Resources for Outdoor Ministries - What’s In A Name Pilgrim Lodge Hymnal "Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-738532. All rights reserved.
Music - ©1982 Kruger Organisation Inc.
Contributors: John W Thompson
Those Who Wait Upon the Lord
Words and Music - ©2011 Pavane Publishing
Peace Like a River
Words and Music - ©1998 BriLee Music
Contributors: Traditional Spiritual, Traditional / Ruth Elaine Schram
Part of the Family
Words and Music - ©1984 J. Manley Publishing
Contributors: James K. Manley
We Are the Church
Words and Music - ©1972 Hope Publishing Company
Contributors: Avery & Marsh
Go with Us, Lord
Words - ©1990 Hope Publishing Company
Contributors: Mary Jackson Cathey
2023 Church Fair, Yard Sale and Silent Auction

August 5, 2023
8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Rain Date: August 12, 2023
It is only a short time to our annual Church Fair, Silent Auction and Trustee Yard Sale. Below is a list of our table chairpersons. They need your help with donations, setup, selling, and cleanup and will welcome your calls. Please support their efforts with your time and donations
Second Time Around Sheila O’Neill 266-9284
Mary Angela Davis 667-7972
Need goods to sell - quality dishware, china and glassware, knick-knacks, and small interesting items.
Kitchen Cupboard Priscilla Hirschenhofer 422-3649
and Kathy McGlinchey 460-0055
Need all kinds of baked goods, homemade breads, rolls, cakes, pies, jams & jellies, muffins, cookies, candies and other delectable foods
Coffee Klatch Sally Knapp 422-3568
Coffee, donuts, breakfast treats, and supply donations needed.
Snack Bar Patrice Alexander 422-9536
Need food and supply donations and money to purchase crabmeat and other food items.
Book Nook Pat Summerer 963-7182
Donations of books, games, puzzles, videos, and music sought. Please, no encyclopedias or text books.
Green Thumb Dianne Eckhardt 422-3601
Need all kinds of plants, flowers, pots, containers, gardening tools, and equipment, bird houses, and related items.
Jewelry Mary Beth DiMarco 422-6257 or 902-4039
Baubles and beads, rings, watches, earrings, pins, necklaces, and gems (real or fake!) wanted.
Silent Auction. David Wildes 422-3739
Paintings, artwork, antiques, unique one-of-a-kind items, high-end small appliances, donated services, etc. to create auction excitement and high bids! Also need gift certificates from your favorite stores, and restaurants.
Yard Sale

STORAGE AND DROP OFF – Yard Sale donations can be dropped off at the Parsonage Garage during the daytime. Call Doug Kimmel at 669-4178 or leave a message on the church phone, 422-3100 if you have questions or need help with large or bulky items. Please make sure your items are clean and in working condition. Please, no clothing, linens, televisions, computers, mattresses, sleep sofas, heavy upholstered furniture or junk.
Day of Sale - We’ll need lots of help to set up tables and carry yard sale merchandise from the parsonage garage to the adjacent lawn space where the sale will take place. Please call Doug Kimmel at 669-4178 to volunteer your help. We also need cleanup help at 2 pm when the sale is over.
This is a big project in the life of our church and your assistance is important and greatly needed. Please help wherever you can. We can’t do it without you! Thanks.